Weight Loss for Women – A Personal Trainers Perspective
Eating healthy is NOT the same as eating to GET LEANER!
Weight Loss programs for women usually are very misleading. They often times imply that eating healthy foods are a good way to lose weight. They also suggest that this is the way to BUNS OF STEEL and a lean muscular physique.
I know from over 10 years of training myself and hundreds of clients that in most cases this is simply NOT ENOUGH!
Now let me be clear here. I am not saying that eating healthier is bad thing. What I am saying though is to adjust your expectations when using this kind of diet.
Can you lose some weight? Probably.
Can you can some muscle? Maybe.
Can you lose a ton of body fat and change your physique into what you envision? Probably NOT!
For the women clients I train I recommend keeping it very simple. I usually start them on 4-5 meals a day. These meals consist of high quality protein and 2 meals include complex carbs. The FAT in their diet is usually higher then they expect.
I dont include “empty” calories in their plan just because they are “healthy” foods.
I only include foods that serve a purpose.
We want foods in your plan that will help you lose body fat (not just weight on the scale) and also help you gain or maintain your muscle.
Your nutrition accounts for 75-80% of the results you achieve on any fitness program.
With that being said do yourself a favor and don’t just eat HEALTHY foods. Eat the right HEALTHY foods that will also help you get the lean body you are striving for!
– Amber
P.s. If you would like to know more about the nutrition plan I design for my clients please feel free to CONTACT ME HERE.